Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Its Okay.

Today is a tough day for me but it will all be okay. I have my comfort food and my favourite movie to get me through. Everyone has something that gets them through and this is the one book and movie that gets me through the toughest of times. See my blog post for the quotes that I turn to. 

I will be okay though, because thats the only choice! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Knocked down again- literally!

So four days before my final weigh in and I have been struck down again! This time the ligament is torn and I will be out for a while! I hate to sit still so even though legs is out by the end of the second week I hope to be back on the gym floor training upper body! Nothing will stop me now! 

The Reason For Helping Others!

The other day I received these messages from my new friend. Her words were so kind and supportive that it made me feel like I was on the right track and could really give this PT gig a solid go! Words can not describe how great it feels to help someone set their goals and actively work towards them! 

Bootcamp Time!

My amazing friend and trainer, Lauren Christie is launching her bootcamp this week! 

Bootcamp is an amazing way to get fit while having fun with others! If your in the Perth Area visit her Facebook page for more details and reserve your spot now!

The countdown is on!

Only six days until my weigh in! Time to focus!

The Rotary Ramble!

A couple of weekends ago a bunch of the Goodlife team gathered in Perth city to participate in the Rotary Ramble for Telethon. It was a great way to rediscover the city I live in while burning a few calories! 

Changing my path!

If you asked me a year ago where I would be I would never have guessed that I would have made such a massive change to my lifestyle and goals. I am now in week two of my AIPT personal training course and on the way to being a qualified personal trainer. It's scary and nerve racking but it's exciting at the same time. I can't wait to be able to use my experiences and everything I have learned over the past year to help others reach their goals!

Yummy Snacks

This is a quick snack I grabbed on the run. Three bean salad from IGA deli section and a can of tuna with an apple to finish. Quick, yummy, and healthy!


This is just one of the ways I keep myself focused. Planning out each day of the week and putting it in writing makes it a permanent goal and helps to keep me on track!

Let's Lift!

Here is a shot of me using the bench press. My strength can only get better from here on in!

The Half Way Mark!

Progress photos are the best way to see just how far you have come! This challenge has definitely taught me that the scales are just a number. The first picture is me in the first way in, week one. The middle picture is me after injury number one and at the six week weigh in. I had only lost a kilo at this point but my measurements show a lot of change. The third picture is me in week nine, 2.5 kilos difference. When your weight training it's important to realise that you will build muscle and just because the scales don't drop doesn't mean that your not making progress so stick to your photos and measurements because change is change no matter the form. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Reward Yourself.

Sometimes it can be hard to stay focused. Don't hesitate to recognise those milestones, no matter how small. One thousand small changes will still amount to a large change in the long run. This is some of the purchases I treated myself to at the half way mark to ensure that I stay on track. 


One thing that I have learnt throughout my journey is that its ok to sit back and have a day off once in a while and just be alone with your thoughts. Everyone comes across some hurdles and we all deal with it differently. This may mean just sitting back and reading while you have a coffee or just taking time to think. But the most important thing is not to think about the outside world, don't for guilty for what you aren't doing, and just be. In the long run this will mean you come out stronger. 


Exercise doesn't have to seem like a chore! Grab the dog and a friend and go exploring! I tell you Nala had a ball rolling around in the mud and we had fun too searching for fun climbing obstacles and cute photo opportunities! 

Wellness Festival!

It's the Wellness Festival at Goodlife, so i got to spend the day decorating! Spring is in the air so get your running shoes on and hit the gym floor! 

Matching shoes - turns out they aren't water proof though!

Seeing Double!

This was completely by accident! Me and one of my gorgeous friends turned up to train together in matching gym outfits! Great minds think alike, right?! 

Meal Prep, The Key To Success

The key to a successful meal plan is simple, meal prep. Making sure that you plan your meals for the day or the week can be the difference between eating what is good for you and eating what is convenient. So plan ahead and you will save money as well and prevent yourself from regretting your choices for the day!